Sauna Lésbica – Panel – Education and sexuality in childhood and adolescence, with Beatriz Cruz and Elânia Francisca
Lounge Bienal
Pavilhão Ciccillo Matarazzo
Ibirapuera Park, gate 3
Av. Pedro Alvares Cabral, s/n
São Paulo, SP
free admission
September 24, 2023. 4pm
On September 24, at 4 pm, the panel Education and sexuality in childhood and adolescence, with Beatriz Cruz and Elânia Francisca, will take place at the Sauna Lésbica, during the 35th Bienal de São Paulo.
Beatriz Cruz is a social educator, sexuality researcher, founder of the children’s sexual education project Lá em casa tá tudo bem [Everything’s fine at home] and author of Carro Cris. Elânia Francisca is a psychologist and creator of the Puberê Space for Conviviality and Culture.
September 24, 2023
Sunday, 4 pm
Lounge Bienal
Ibirapuera Park, gate 3
Av. Pedro Alvares Cabral, s/n
free admission