Home Thematic visits with the Bienal education team

Thematic visits with the Bienal education team

image/svg+xml Free for all audiences

On November 19, there will be a series of thematic visits proposed by Bienal’s education team, wich consists in tours of the exhibition with specific focuses developed by the mediation team based on the research and interests that emerged during the training course.

Go to the Mediation Space (green floor), near the entrance to the exhibition, to register 1 hour before the start of the visit. Subject to capacity (group of up to 20 people).

Duration: 2h

November 19 (Sunday), 11h
A journey to the Forest of Infinity1
Mediation: Lia Yokoyama Emi e Ricarda Wapichana
A playful route will be travelled, choreographing movements with the children and presenting artistic languages in their various forms, such as the works of Edgar Calel, Guadalupe Maravilla, Judith Scott and Floresta de infinitos, by Ayrson Heráclito and Tiganá Santana.

1. Visit for children aged 4 to 9 accompanied by their adult or carer

November 19 (Sunday) 15h
Between Orun and Aiyê there is a Bienal
 Nivea Matias
This thematic visit will consider the 35th Bienal as an ancestral technology that connects Aiyê (Earth) to Orun (Heaven). Like the Iroko tree, the exhibition will be a portal linking the two worlds. The connection will begin with the writing experience “The planting of the navel”. The archetypes of the Orisás will be symbolically invited to be part of this artistic Xirê, dialoguing with the works and traditional knowledge of the people of the terreiro based on Yoruba philosophy. Technologies such as Itãs storytelling, agogo playing, songs and herbs will be part of the meeting.



Thematic visits with the Bienal education team
35th Bienal de São Paulo – choreographies of the impossible
November 19, 2023
Sunday, 11 am and 3 pm
mediation space, green floor
Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion
Ibirapuera Park, gate 3
Av. Pedro Alvares Cabral, s/n
São Paulo, SP
free admission

Learn more

27 Jan 2024

Traveling Exhibition 35th Bienal – Rio de Janeiro image/svg+xml

Now in its seventh edition, the traveling exhibitions program of the Bienal de São Paulo will take selections from the main show to cities in Brazil and abroad in the year following its staging. In 2024, the first stop will be the Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (MAM Rio), where curators Diane Lima, Grada Kilomba, Hélio Menezes, and Manuel Borja-Villel have designed a special segment of the show adapted to the characteristics and context of the city.

Av. Infante Dom Henrique, 85
Parque do Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro
Learn more

5 Mar 2024

Traveling Exhibition

Traveling Exhibition 35th Bienal – São José do Rio Preto image/svg+xml

The city of São José do Rio Preto, in the northwestern region of the state of São Paulo, will host one of the sections of the 35th Bienal de São Paulo – choreographies of the impossible, in partnership with Sesc São Paulo. The show arrives in the city on March 5 and will remain there until May 26. Curated by Diane Lima, Grada Kilomba, Hélio Menezes and Manuel Borja-Villel, the exhibition was a success in 2023, receiving acclaim from both the public and critics.

Av. Francisco das Chagas Oliveira, 1333
São José do Rio Preto, SP
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Opening – Traveling Exhibition 35th Bienal – São José do Rio Preto

March 5, 7 pm (open to the public)

12 Mar 2024

Traveling Exhibition

Traveling Exhibition 35th Bienal – Curitiba image/svg+xml

Curitiba will host one of the traveling exhibitions of the 35th Bienal de São Paulo – choreographies of the impossible, in partnership with the Museu Oscar Niemeyer. Curated by Diane Lima, Grada Kilomba, Hélio Menezes and Manuel Borja-Villel, the exhibition will land in the city, where it will remain open to the public from March 12 to May 26. The city will receive a special section, one of the largest outside São Paulo.

Rua Marechal Hermes, 999
Centro Cívico, Curitiba, PR
Learn more

Educational action

On March 13, at 7 pm, there will be an educational action related to the exhibition, in the Museum’s Mini-Auditorium. MON will host the education team from the 35th Bienal de São Paulo for a conversation based on the three movements of the exhibition’s educational publication, recognizing and integrating the open dimension of education.

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