Traveling Exhibition 35th Bienal – Vitória
Museu de Arte do Espírito Santo Dionísio Del Santo (MAES)
Avenida Jerônimo Monteiro, 631, Centro
opening: Aug 28, Thu, 5pm – 8pm
visiting times: Aug 29 – Nov 3, 2024
Tue – Fri, 10am – 6pm
Sat, Sun, public holidays, 10am – 4pm
Espaço Cultural Palácio Anchieta
Praça João Clímaco, s/n, Cidade Alta
opening: Aug 28, thu, 6pm – 10pm
visiting times: Aug 29 – Nov 3, 2024
Tue – Fri, 9am – 5pm
Sat, Sun, holidays, 9am – 4pm
Through a partnership between the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo and the State Government of Espírito Santo, together with the Secretary of State for Culture and Secretary of Government, the city of Vitória (ES) will host a special selection of the 35th Bienal de São Paulo – choreographies of the impossible at two different venues: the Museu de Arte do Espírito Santo Dionísio Del Santo (MAES) and the Espaço Cultural Palácio Anchieta. During the opening, on August 28, the Espaço Cultural Palácio Anchieta will also host a performance by Vale Música, an authorial programs axis by Instituto Cultural Vale.
Curated by Diane Lima, Grada Kilomba, Hélio Menezes and Manuel Borja-Villel, the show will be on display in the Espírito Santo capital from August 29 to November 3, with free admission. The city will host the 11th stop of the traveling exhibitions program in this edition of the Bienal, with fifteen artists taking part: four at the MAES (Citra Sasmita, Leilah Weinraub, M’barek Bouhchich e Rubiane Maia) and eleven at the Espaço Cultural Palácio Anchieta ( Castiel Vitorino Brasileiro, Colectivo Ayllu, Grupo de Investigación en Arte y Política (GIAP), Malinche, Marilyn Boror Bor, Maya Deren, Quilombo Cafundó, Rosana Paulino e Sarah Maldoror).
Museu de Arte do Espírito Santo Dionísio Del Santo (MAES)
opening: Aug 28, Thu, 5pm – 8pm
visiting times: Aug 29 – Nov 3, 2024
Tue – Fri, 10am – 6pm
Sat, Sun, public holidays, 10am – 4pm
Espaço Cultural Palácio Anchieta
opening: Aug 28, thu, 6pm – 10pm
visiting times: Aug 29 – Nov 3, 2024
Tue – Fri, 9am – 5pm
Sat, Sun, holidays, 9am – 4pm
Other events that are part of this event
The tongue always bends before the unquestionable or the cursed – book-performance, Chapter VI
Rubiane Maia will be performing A língua sempre se dobra diante do inquestionável ou maldito, Livro-Performance, capítulo VI [The tongue always bends before the unquestionable or the cursed – Book-Performance, chapter VI] (2018–2024) on August 30, at 5pm, at MAES, with free admission. The work was commissioned by the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo for the 35th Bienal and co-commissioned by Sesc. In the performance, the artist organizes a series of actions designed in response to autobiographical texts, particularly influenced by traumatic transgenerational memories linked to issues of gender and race.
Meetings with the 35th Bienal’s educational publication: Espaço Cultural Palácio Anchieta
On August 28 and 29, the Bienal’s education team will be proposing conversations and exchanges about and with the three movements of the educational publication. The educational publication on the choreographies of the impossible was divided into three different movements – or volumes – with contents aimed at mediation and promotion actions. The third movement, prepared especially for the traveling exhibitions program, was produced based on the practices carried out during the exhibition at the Pavilion and is distributed free of charge to the participants in the actions.
The meeting is crossed by the thoughts of poet, playwright and teacher Leda Maria Martins, artist Rosana Paulino, curator and researcher Sandra Benites, and Regina Aparecida Pereira and Cíntia Aparecida Delgado, leaders of the Quilombo Cafundó. The meetings with the educational publication will take place on the 28th, from 10am to 12pm, at the Espaço Cultural Palácio Anchieta and on the following day, at the same time, at MAES.
Meetings with the 35th Bienal’s educational publication: Museu de Arte do Espírito Santo Dionísio Del Santo (MAES)
On August 28 and 29, the Bienal’s education team will be proposing conversations and exchanges about and with the three movements of the educational publication. The educational publication on the choreographies of the impossible was divided into three different movements – or volumes – with contents aimed at mediation and promotion actions. The third movement, prepared especially for the traveling exhibitions program, was produced based on the practices carried out during the exhibition at the Pavilion and is distributed free of charge to the participants in the actions.
The meeting is crossed by the thoughts of poet, playwright and teacher Leda Maria Martins, artist Rosana Paulino, curator and researcher Sandra Benites, and Regina Aparecida Pereira and Cíntia Aparecida Delgado, leaders of the Quilombo Cafundó. The meetings with the educational publication will take place on the 28th, from 10am to 12pm, at the Espaço Cultural Palácio Anchieta and on the following day, at the same time, at MAES.
Mediated visits with the Bienal’s education team: Museu de Arte do Espírito Santo Dionísio Del Santo (MAES)
On August 30, during the opening of the exhibition, the Bienal’s education team will conduct two-hour in-person guided tours. This visit invites the public on a tour of the traveling exhibition at MAES and the Palácio Anchieta Cultural Space. On August 30, there will also be guided tours in both spaces, at 10am at MAES and at 3pm at the Palácio Anchieta Cultural Space. All activities are free of charge.
These initiatives aim to create a collaborative and dynamic learning environment, providing enriching experiences for teachers, educators, mediators and those interested in art. With a focus on interaction with the public and the dissemination of contemporary art, the program seeks to strengthen ties between cultural institutions and contribute to a more inclusive society.
For more information on visits by the educational program:
Mediated visits with the Bienal’s education team: Espaço Cultural Palácio Anchieta
On August 30, during the opening of the exhibition, the Bienal’s education team will conduct two-hour in-person guided tours. This visit invites the public on a tour of the traveling exhibition at MAES and the Palácio Anchieta Cultural Space. On August 30, there will also be guided tours in both spaces, at 10am at MAES and at 3pm at the Palácio Anchieta Cultural Space. All activities are free of charge.
These initiatives aim to create a collaborative and dynamic learning environment, providing enriching experiences for teachers, educators, mediators and those interested in art. With a focus on interaction with the public and the dissemination of contemporary art, the program seeks to strengthen ties between cultural institutions and contribute to a more inclusive society.
For more information on visits by the educational program: